This is a Center that advocates for the living of life according to spiritual principle. We’re here to assist you in undertaking a journey of positive change based on personal growth and spiritual understanding.
We gather on Sundays to share our enthusiasm in a contemporary worship experience. This may not look like the church you grew up in. The focus of our joy-filled celebrations is on what’s right with ourselves and the world we live in. The lessons (as well as all our classes) center on some aspect of the human condition and how we may use the creativity of our thought to help create fuller experience of life.
Our philosophy is best expressed by a truth teaching—one articulated by Jesus in the tradition of the Perennial Philosophy—“It is done unto you as you believe”. That teaching is based on the assumption that there is an “essential unity” in the cosmos and that all of manifestation is an expression of the Divine.
We affirm the worthiness of all people, without exception, and are dedicated to assisting all in leading effective, gracious lives which contribute to the greater good. We affirm your right to health, peace, effective relationships, purpose and an abundance of all good things. And while it is true that you can create the life you desire, we tend to stress the notion that having the life of your choice won’t be ultimately satisfying to you unless you are also working to create a life that works for all. As Theodore Roosevelt remarked over a hundred years ago, “This won’t be a good country for anyone to live in, until it’s a good country for everyone to live in.”
Your seeking has drawn you to this place on this day and we expect it will be a memorable one. We are honored to share with you what we know and what we have experienced as being truly helpful, supportive, and healing in our lives.
We will joyfully affirm with you that you are a perfect expression of God and entitled to a full life of joy. All the qualities that make up such a life are yours—now—only waiting to be realized by you. The life you have been seeking will be yours if you are receptive to it.

Who are we?
All are welcome. This Spiritual Center welcomes one and all who desire personal growth and positive change in a community with like-minded people. Join us on Sunday mornings for Celebration Service, or for evening classes, or any of our virtual events, such as Wednesday Morning Meditation, to hear Spiritual Truth taught with warmth, humor and clarity. In all these settings you are presented with the opportunity to learn how to apply spiritual principles for better living.
If you are someone who is "spiritual but not religious," this post-denominational Center just might be the end of your seeking and the start of a new experience of freedom.
We know that you - just as you are - are a Perfect Expression of God, Entitled to a Full Life of Joy.
What can I expect on Sunday?
While we are a spiritual center, we are not a church in the traditional sense. We teach that thought - your thought - is creative and that if "you change your thinking, you change your life." Feel free to visit any Sunday and know that you will be welcomed and respected.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Our gatherings are casual and contemporary.
There is never a demand or obligation of any kind when you attend the Center, but we are totally supported by attendees, like you!
What people are saying about CSL-LA:
"I learn something new about the teaching, and about myself, every Sunday. My life has been transformed in the most wonderful ways because of this. Also, the community of folks at CSL-LA make me feel like a part of a loving family. I've made many life-long friends there, and am grateful for everything about it." - Wendy W.
"I think it combines all of the 'best practices' from the world's religions. Mindfulness, presence, compassion, connecting with the divine / God."
"Thank you so much for inviting me to your spiritual community. It was a wonderful experience. I appreciate the motivation and solid advice I received today from wise leaders. I’m ready to put them into action." - Danielle
"I am grateful for the love and support that filled the room. Today was a Gift and tremendously Healing." - Kensiwe